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St. John's Episcopal
Choirs and Ensembles

Parish Choir

The Parish Choir is open to singers from high school through adult. The choir presents a variety of liturgical music for the worship services, and provides musical leadership and support to the congregation of St. John's. Choir practice is on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall from September through early June.

Jubilate Choir

The Jubilate Choir is an excellent opportunity for those who are not available for Wednesday evening Chancel Choir rehearsals or to sing every Sunday, but would still like to participate in the music program at St. John's.  Jubilate is a small group that has a lot of fun while working on often challenging pieces.  Jubilate sings about one Sunday a month.  Rehearsals are Thursday afternoons at 2:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.

Compline Choir

Membership in the Compline Choir is open to men and women by audition or permission of the Choirmaster. The Compline Choir practices every Sunday at 6 p.m. 

Compline, the last of the daily monastic offices, is sung every Sunday night at St. John's at 8 p.m. The Compline Choir uses a historic setting of the Order of Compline that incorporates the mystical style of Gregorian Chant. Membership is open to men and women by audition or permission of the Choirmaster.

In Advent of 2004, our Compline Choir of women and men released its first CD, a 23-selection disk entitled "Evensongs." Selections include a setting of The Lord's Prayer by Susan E. Bloomfield, (our director of music and liturgy at the time of the recording), and "Keep Your Hand on That Plow," composed by William E. Unbehaun, a member of the Compline Choir. Also represented are well-known Northwest music figures Peter R. Hallock, Roger Sherman and the late James D. Holloway. The CD may be purchased through the church office. There is a second CD entitled “Blessed Nativity” with 21 Christmas Carols. The CDs are $15.00 each.

Olympia Sacred Jazz Ensemble

The Olympia Sacred Jazz Ensemble is a very special blessing for us here at St. John's. This unique part of our worship is under the leadership of parishioners. It plays whenever a fifth Sunday appears in a month.