The Events Committee plans and holds several annual events for St. John’s each year. If our budget permits, we also hold some special events on request.
The Events Committee welcomes new members. All committee meetings are in the Guild Meeting Room after the 10:30 service. Please join us on the following dates:
March 8 Committee planning meeting – Easter Vigil
April 4 Easter Vigil-- (decorate, set up, kitchen help and clean up)
May 1 – 31 Email in preparation for June Jumble
May 17 Committee meeting to finalize role in Streetfest and decide additional details regarding English Tea and Italian Night.
June 1-5 Set up for June Jumble
June 6 June Jumble
July 26 Ice Cream Social after 10:30 a.m. service
August 16 Streetfest – (we participate as partner, not lead group)
September 26 Italian Night – (set up, decorate, prepare & serve food, prepare & serve wine tasting, clean up)
October 25 Committee Planning Meeting - Christmas Faire