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St. John's Episcopal
KAIROS Prison Ministry

KAIROS volunteers from various Christian denominations join together to share Christ's love in medium and maximum security prisons throughout the United States and many countries around the world.  

KAIROS is Greek for God’s Special Time. The essence of the KAIROS Prison Ministry is Changing Hearts, Transforming Lives, Impacting the World.  

Somewhat like Cursillo, KAIROS volunteers organize spirit-filled 4-day weekends teaching a short course in Christianity "inside" state and federal institutions. 
Following the weekend, "inside" participants are encouraged to form small groups dedicated to meeting and supporting one another's walk with Christ. Volunteers from outside the institution continue to re-enter the institution monthly to meet with the weekend graduates and to provide encouragement in their collective walk with Christ.
In Washington State, institutions located in Shelton, Purdy, Monroe and Clallam Bay have active “inside” KAIROS programs.

The KAIROS team of volunteers from St. John's is active in supporting the KAIROS program at Shelton. In addition, the Outreach Committee provides financial support to the local effort of providing a viable KAIROS Ministry at the Washington Corrections Center located just north of Shelton.
Anyone interested in participating in this ministry should contact Rob Michie at 866-0523. For more information, see KAIROS Prison Ministry International, Inc.