The Music Ministry
The Music Ministry at St. John | San Juan is diverse and innovative, embracing a broad range of styles and expressions. It underscores the Biblical message of the liturgy and supports the emotional content of the readings.
Our repertoire encompasses a wide variety of music, from the Renaissance through contemporary, from European to South African, from acapella choir to accompaniment with a variety of instruments.
St. John | San Juan is home to a 3,800-pipe Schlicker organ originally built in 1967 and previously used for worship and notable concerts at Plymouth Congregational Church, Seattle.
For information about the music program, any of the choirs or the concert series, contact the church office, 360-352-8527.

Choirs and Ensembles
Parish Choir
The Parish Choir is open to singers from high school through adult. The choir presents a variety of liturgical music for the worship services and provides musical leadership and support to the congregation of St. John | San Juan. Choir practice is on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall from September through early June.