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St. John's Episcopal
Tuesday, January 21 2020

January 17, 2020

Dear Friends,

Another calendar year has passed. The Vestry Class of 2019 participated in its last meeting on January 16, 2020. Be sure to offer "Thanks!" to Catherine Atwell, Mary Knotts, Nicki Weekes and Mark Teply for their service over the past years. Each of them has contributed so much to support St. John's. Please be sure to let them know how much you appreciate their work as I do. As they leave, we will be ready to welcome the Class of 2021! Those members will be elected on Sunday, February 9, 2020 at our Annual Meeting. The meeting will take place between the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services on that day. Be sure to mark your calendar!

To begin with your Vestry worked on:

                        1. Thank You Notes

                        2. Who to recognize in February at our monthly Recognition Sunday

                        3. Vestry Coffee Rota

                        4. Cleaning Party on January 21, 2020

                        5. Revisiting the Greeter Program at St. John's

                        6. Ways to involve youth

As the King of Siam says to Mrs. Anna, "Etc., Etc., Etc." An oft-quoted line from "The King and I," if you're unfamiliar with that reference. Those "Etc's." included: An update from Lou MacMillan on the Building Renovation Project, Jr. Warden, Ric Weatherman's, sharing the Mold Abatement Estimate, and Financial updates from Treasurer Bob LeRoy. All those reports should be uploaded and be available for your viewing on the website.

Other topics of discussion included what options would work for coverage for Fr. R.C. while he is on Sabbatical. At this particular point, the Vestry understands the financial situation we're in, but realizes it must also make the best decision for St. John's. Certainly extensive thought, guidance and prayer are essential as we contemplate that decision.

Treasurer Bob LeRoy reports that our Diocesan Assessment for January 2020 has been paid! We've committed to being current with our assessment payments; let's continue to work together to achieve this goal. Thanks! Your continued support is noted and much appreciated!

Bob also provided additional information on the Capital Campaign, as well as addressing efforts to ensure all parishioners have had the opportunity to participate in our 2020 Supplemental Pledge appeal. To accomplish this, you should be receiving a letter regarding that appeal shortly. If you have already indicated you can help with an increase in your 2020 pledge or make an additional gift of some sort, please disregard that letter. If you haven't, please take a moment and prayerfully consider it.

Please Note:

JANUARY 31--Please have all Annual Reports submitted to Mary Law by this date so she can have them ready for the Annual Meeting.

I'd like to mention a couple of things before I close. 1.--As Fr. Evan mentioned in his remarks this past Sunday, please remember to wear your Name Tags! If you need a new one for whatever reason, let a Greeter, Usher, Vestry or Clergy member know. Someone will get one made for you. It's a beginning to help us all know each other better. 2.--Please, please, please speak with myself or any Vestry member if you have anything you want to discuss. The more we talk, the more we understand. Again, as Fr. Evan mentioned in his sermon a couple of weeks ago, sitting down and having conversations, be they pleasant or uncomfortable, is something we need to do. I think it helps St. John's when we do.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the Annual Meeting!

In the attempt,
Mark Hampton
Sr. Warden
St. John's Vestry 

Posted by: Mark Hampton AT 12:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email