Tuesday, May 26 2020
...I had always heard I had Cherokee ancestors and a few years ago, my daughter-in-law who lives in Oklahoma, did the necessary leg work to prove my heritage. Although it is a very small amount of Cherokee blood that I have, I am very proud of my Native American roots. After visiting the museum, we spent some time at a gallery that featured weaving, pottery, paintings, etc. all done by local Cherokee artists. I was drawn to the piece you see above, even though I had no idea what it meant. It is written using the Cherokee alphabet and means "Strength." It hangs over our front door. Little did I realize how meaningful that piece would become. As I walk out the door or notice it as I pass by, it causes me to stop and think about the strength it is requiring during this unprecedented time. Strength to DO this or NOT to do that, depending on the choice we are forced to make. It also reminds me to be thankful for the variety of blessings we all receive. I know I speak for all St. John's Vestry members as I say "Thank You!" for all you do and continue to do to support St. John's! Thanks to you for your continued financial support! Thanks to Fr. R.C. for his tireless efforts to ensure our opportunities to worship or gather socially are made available via technology! Thanks to Fr. Michael for his work to provide virtual worship opportunities for our Hispanic family members and the other duties he is performing! Thanks to Jim for all the music he continues to direct or perform! Thank You to Deacon Terry for those weekly Gospel readings! Thanks to all those involved in the production of those worship services! Be you in front of or behind the cameras, Thanks! Thanks, Evie, for making sure our communication vehicles (The Messenger and The Chronicle) are still being regularly produced! Knowing what is going on is so vitally important right now! Thanks to Dan for his constant efforts in maintaining our building and preparing for the time we can get back together! Thanks to all those who are involved in determining how we can once again gather physically! Please know that if I missed anyone's specific contributions to St. John's, it is not intentional and accept my apologies and a big "Thank You! I close by wishing you continued strength, safety and health. In the attempt, Mark Hampton Sr. Warden |